FEBRUARY 03, 2025
We offer both online and face-to-face tutoring each semester.
Watch this short video on how to register for an account, make an appointment, and attend an online consultation.
Please bring all necessary materials to your appointment, including your assignment sheet or prompt and a clean hard copy of your current draft (double-spaced). We do not work from laptops. One hour appointments are recommended for first-time visits. Thirty minute appointments are useful for follow-up visits. One hour appointments last 50 minutes; half hour appointments last 25 minutes. Tutors use the extra minutes for administrative tasks.
Welcome to WCONLINE 5! To get started, register for an account by clicking the link to the left. There is a drop-down menu for our three locations: The Main Campus location is JPL 2.01.12D. The Downtown Campus location is FS 4.432. The Computer Lab is JPL 2.01.12C. Only Faculty/Staff members are able to reserve the computer lab.
We also offer online tutoring. The online schedule can be found on our drop-down menu. Instructions for connecting to the online appointment can be found on the online schedule page.
Our main campus and downtown locations offer only face-to-face appointments.
Our online schedule offers only online appointments.
We have a waiting-list feature. If we are fully booked on a day you would like to work with a tutor, please click on the clock icon next to the date/day of week on the schedule. You can add yourself to a waiting list and will be contacted in any appointments become available.
Please see each schedule for further instructions.
We look forward to working with you in the Writing Center!